Sunday, July 26, 2009

Summer fun!

This is usually how Casey looks by the end of the day lately... His pool is on the deck as well as some potted plants and he cannot keep away from that dirt! The pool has to be cleaned out daily from all the dirt!

This is Casey sneaking a handful of dirt...

These are Caseys sweat curls!


  1. what a cutie patootie...i love that little monster.

  2. Hey Stacey! I found your blog from Facebook...I can't believe how big your little boy is!! Holy Cow! So what are you up to these days?

  3. Love the curls! I hope you two are staying cool in this hot weather.

  4. That's hilarious. Aaron looks like that at the end of the day, as well. Except he doesn't wear a diaper anymore. And his hair is darker. And he's taller.
